Our company can supply since many years plants that are able to treat the waste water coming from PET recycling, for instance for “bottle to bottle” plants (wasted plastic bottles are recovered from the landfill, then grinded, cleaned  using chemicals  and then transformed in new PET chips for the creation of new bottles)    



This kind of waste water has a very high COD, due to the dirt that is on the external part of the bottles, as well as for liquid residuals, chemical used for the PET cleaning (in particular caustic soda and detergents).

Our system is able to recover up to 90% of this waste water, discharging the rest (10%) in full respect of the local legislations

Schematically the plant is composed as follows:

  • First rough screening self cleaning
  • Second fine screening self cleaning
  • Homogenising
  • Neutralization
  • Lamellar settling tank
  • Band Bio Float
  • Water recovery system


Moreover we are able to realize close loop in the production machines in order to recover the temperature and the chemicals used for the row material cleaning. This kind of application is named “Hot recovery”.

All the plants we supply are totally automatic trough a PLC Siemens S7 and totally realized in stainless steel AISI 304 L in order to get the maximum reliability.