The milk whey is a residual product which results from the process of cheese-making. The whey is often considered as a waste of the dairy process, while instead it should be used as raw material to be treated and valorized, with the possibility to obtain a series of products to be destined to several applications.
The products which can be obtained from the whey treatment are many, including:
- Cream from whey, obtainable by skimming
- Ricotta, to be sold directly or to the pastry industry
- Whey powder, with possibility to be sold to the food sector or the livestock industry (production of feed).
- Whey protein Concentrate (WPC) destined to the food industry.
- Lactose, from which it is possible to obtain several sub-products to be destined to the food and pharmaceutical industries.
- Mineral salts destined to the industry of the energetic soft drinks
We provide tailor made solutions for several production capacities. All components and electrical cabinet including control panels are assembled onto stainless steel frames. Our solutions include manifolds of pneumatic valves for the automation of the whole process.
We also offer a remote control system for long-distance assistance directly from our main headquarters at Bassano del Grappa.